I lie is the curse of God. Ýalan Taňrynyň gargyşydyr. Believe no tales from an enemy’s tongue. Duşmanyň bir sözüne-de ynanma. Half the truth is often a whole lie. Ýarym hakykat köplenç tutuş ýalandyr. Better a lie that heals than a truth that wounds. Ýaralaýan hakykatdan bejerýän ýalan ýagşy. Hear and see and say nothing. Diňle we gör, ýöne hiç zat aýtma. From hearing, comes wisdom; from speaking, repentance. Diňlemekden paýhas, geplemekden ökünç geler. Name not a rope, in his house that hanged himself. Özüni asanyň öýünde ýüp agzama. If an ass goes a-traveling, he’ll not come home a horse. Eşek syýahata gitse-de, öýe at bolup gelmez. There is no place like home. Öz öýüň ýaly ýer bolmaz. Let sleeping dogs lie. Ýatan ite degme. Gold dust blinds all eyes. Altynyň tozy ähli gözi gapar. A rich man’s joke is always funny. Baý adamyň degişmesi hemişe gülkünçdir. An ass laden with gold climbs to the top of the castle. Altyn ýüklenen eşek galanyň çür depesine çykar. A silver key can open an iron lock. Kümüş açar demir gulpy açar. All things are obedient to money. Pula bar zat boýundyr. Money governs the world. Dünýäni pul dolandyrýar. Like people, like priest. Adamlar nähili bolsa, molla-da şo hilidir. Saying and doing are two things. Diýmek hem etmek başga-başga zatlardyr. Death is black camel that kneels before every door. Arabic proverb. Ölüm her gapyda çökýän gara düýedir. Arap nakyly. Dying is as natural as living. Ölmegem ýaşamak ýaly tebigydyr. Praise no man till he is dead. Adamy ölýänçä öwme. A dead mouse feels no cold. Ölen syçan sowugy duýmaz. Death is remedy for all ills. Ölüm ähli keseliň emidir. Look upon death as a going home. Ölüme öýe giden ýaly gara. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Ähli ýumurtgaňy bir sebede salma. He that is ill to himself will be good to nobody. Özüne haýyrsyz hiç kime gowulyk etmez. Beware of no man more than thyself. Hemmeden beter özüňden ägä bol. Who knows himself knows others. Chinese proverb. Özüni tanan özgeleri hem tanar. Hytaý pähimi. Özüni bilen weli. Türkmen pähimi. Know yourself. Özüňi tana. Every one thinks his sack heaviest. Her kim öz haltasyny agyr hasaplar. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. Düşegiňi nähili ýazsaň, şoň ýaly-da onda ýatmaly bolarsyň. To take revenge is often to sacrifice oneself. African proverb. Ar almak köplenç özüňi gurban etmekdir. Afrika pähimi. Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. Ýüzüňe tüýkürmek üçin burnuňy kesme. Like king, like people. Patşa nähili bolsa, halkam şoňa görä bolar. Like father, like son. Ata nähili bolsa, oglam şoň ýalydyr. It ata, är daýa çeker. Türkmen nakyly. You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. Ýumurtga döwmän heýgenek bişirip bilmersiň. Let every sheep hang by his own shank. Her goýun öz aýagyndan asylsyn. Goýnam öz aýagyndan asarlar, geçinem. Türkmen pahimi. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. Her kimiň işi hiç kimiň işi. Bells call others, but themselves enter not into the church. Jaňlar özgeleri çagyrar, ýöne özleri ybadathana girmez. If you want to se black-hearted people, look among those who never miss their prayers. Chinese proverb. Eger sen gara ýürek adamlary görmek isleseň, namazyny sypdyrmaýan adamlaryň arasyna seret. Hytaý pähimi. Many kiss the hand they wish cut off. Köp adam kesip taşlamak isleýän elini ogşar. Many kiss the child for the nurse’s sake. Köp kişi çagany enekesiniň hatyrasyna öper. If a man reported to you, that a certain person speaks ill of you, do not make any defense (answer) to what has been told you: but reply, the man did not know the rest of my faults, for he would not have mentioned these only. Epictetus. Eger biri başga biriniň sen hakda ýakymsyz gürrüň edýändigini aýtsa, sen özüňi gorap, şol aýdylan zatlara jogap berjek bolma-da şeý diý: ol adam meniň galan kemçiliklerimi bilmeýän ekeni, ýogsa diňe bujagazlary agzap oňmazdy. Epiktet.

Köneler, student3 tarapyndan 13 years ago
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