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Dear friends!
Almost a year ago I was writing to ask for your help with the Turkmenistan mission.
First of all, I want to say THANK YOU! Thanks so much to every one of you for your prayers, thoughts, financial support, emails, greetings, and every kind of support that helped us to serve in Turkmenistan last year. You have a special place in all that is going on in that country, and in the small Catholic community there.
The Catholic Church in Turkmenistan still lives underground.
During this mission we were able to meet many more native Turkmen people then during our first mission. We were blessed through those simple, mostly Islamic, people who were open to talking about God; they are so thirsty for His love and presence. We prayed together with them and they were touched by the Father's love through our Lord Jesus! Hope and peace changed their desperation. Their simple and joyful testimonies about Gods miracles strengthened our faith.
In two years, since our last mission, many things are still the same in Turkmenistan. There are still just two catholic priests for the whole country. However, there are many changes – much more people are coming every day, coming to hear about Jesus, seeking His love and help, ready to give Him their all. Mostly they are poor people who suffered a lot in their lives. When they come to Jesus they are blessed by His forgiveness, deep healing and new life in Him! We prayed over them almost every day and we led all the meetings for catechumens, youth and kids, which was so helpful for the priests. We also prepared simple evangelization training, where we taught them how to proclaim the Good News. We saw how the first small prayer group was born--just a few people who want to worship Jesus, and serve others by intercessory prayer.
The Priests also sent us to other places in Turkmenistan, where we spent some time with people sharing Gods love with them. More and more people were coming every day, hungry for His word which many of them heard for the first time in their lives. Their desire for more priests and missionaries in their towns didn't surprise us.
We could see the big gift of God that we have at home– daily Mass and Holy Communion especially.
I personally was especially touched by the warm-heartedness, kindness and hospitality of the poorest people in the village called Arzuw. They told us things like: "If I didn't meet you two years ago, today I would be addicted to heroine and I would also sell it as the rest of my family does." "We know, God has sent you to us – just for me!" – told with thankful heart.
I also met a woman at the market place, whom I had promised two years ago that I would come back. Her first reaction when she saw me at the same place was: "Ooooo – she came!" and invitation she invited us to visit her house. I could write a book about that meeting. Their clear eyes spoke about clear hearts, which we could also visit. In the family, everyone works from the sunrise to the late night. Love, respect and care are given to each other in all small situations, where members of that Islamic family speak so nice about each other, pray together and have God among them – it is a small (or big?) miracle in that nation.
We had a very nice time with the youth during retreats we prepared for them. Their testimonies among their friends and schoolmates bears fruit, and more and more youth came later to the meetings, to pray together, to hear Gods word, or just to play together.
We wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you!
When I was on the plane going into Turkmenistan, I saw a desert named Kara-Kum from above. It looked like a lot of small rivers, or water sources but they were empty and dry. I was thinking about the land, which is ready, rivers which are waiting for water, water which will bring the life to that land. And a prayer grew up in my heart – giving thanks to God and asking Him for living waters of His presence and love to flood this country.
I apologize I haven't updated you about our mission in Turkmenistan earlier. Thank God for these last months. They were full of challenges. I was working on my dissertation, our mission in Turkmenistan was very intense, coming back home I defended my PhD, and started my new job, so I can make some money, pay my loans, and go back to Turkmenistan as soon as possible.
Please, pray for Turkmenistan, pray for the priests. Pray for those, who are going to be baptized tonight; pray for more missionaries in that country; pray for us to be ready to give our time, money and all lives to that mission when Jesus calls us again. I hope that time will come soon!
Lord Jesus, we thank You for the free given gift of being a part of that mission, for every miracle of healing, deliverance and conversion. Thank You for your faithfulness, for your favor, and that we can come personally closer to You!
I wish you a blessed Easter. May your Easter season be filled with the grace and love of Our Risen Savior!
Hana Simcikova (in the black shirt in the above picture)
Isn’t that an awesome testimony of how our Risen Lord is still using his Church to accomplish his great mission to save souls! If you would like to donate to Hana’s work or get on her update email list – please contact us
türkmenistan'daky misyonerlik hakynda
16 years ago
16 years ago
- Sagja bol muhacir yene bir zat soramakcy
yone iki yuz bersem uc yuz sorayar diyme
Turkmence-inlisce ya-da basga turkmence-luboy sozluk barmay
16 years ago
- puluň bolsa köp zat edip bolýa!!! :(
16 years ago
puluň bolsa köp zat edip bolýa!!! :(
pulyn na dahyly bar?
bulara haý küş diýýän ýokmykaraý?
16 years ago
pulyn na dahyly bar?
sebäbi ilki bilen garyp maşgalalar bilen ýakyn gatnaşyk gurýalar!
16 years ago
- iiiin yokardaky suraty nireden tapdynyzay?
ulllaaaaakaan ekeni weli gorup bolanoklay ony...
16 years ago
16 years ago
The Catholic Church in Turkmenistan still lives underground.
– much more people are coming every day, coming to hear about Jesus,
Mostly they are poor people who suffered a lot in their lives.
We saw how the first small prayer group was born
I personally was especially touched by the warm-heartedness, kindness and hospitality of the poorest people in the village called Arzuw
When I was on the plane going into Turkmenistan, I saw a desert named Kara-Kum from above. It looked like a lot of small rivers, or water sources but they were empty and dry. I was thinking about the land, which is ready, rivers which are waiting for water, water which will bring the life to that land
Please, pray for Turkmenistan, pray for the priests. Pray for those, who are going to be baptized tonight; pray for more missionaries in that country
pray for us to be ready to give our time, money
Hana Simcikova (in the black shirt in the above picture)
16 years ago
- Bu bolup yoren zatlara hıch kım seredenoklar mı?Masgarachılık,achık aydılıp dur mısıonerler bız oların dınıne hormat goyyas olaram bızınka goysunlar. Isa Alla dıydırcek bolup elınden gelenını edyaleray, Musulmanlık dolı yerıne getırılmese boljagam shol
16 years ago
- seri sag bol suraty goyanin ucin, minnetdar.
Hemme zat organin gozegciliginde bolyandirlay. belki garyp masgalalar puly gorup kabir zatlary kabul edyan bolup biler.yone indi turkmenlerde de kopi goren kan,kimin name etjek bolyanina halk azda kande dusunyar.a bilmedim yone turkmenistanyn cet obalarynda kan tehnologiyanin, dunyagaraysin osmedik yerlerinde has ansat missionerlik edilyandir.pikir edip gorun bizin seyle zatlardan habarymyz bolsa, turkmenistandaky organyn habary yokdur oydyanizmi?hemme zadyn wagty we yeri bar...
16 years ago
- ay shu yokardaky gyz masgara etdey acdym yuzune garap syrtayyp dur.
Turkmenmi diyip sorayarlar
gaty uly bolanson ekrany doldyryp dur
16 years ago
- on bolup dagy işleýäňiz öýdýän komp-da bir wagtda.
16 years ago
- turkmenler islam yolunda gazy bolup kop hiristyani musulman edipdirler.indi gorun olar gelip islam gazi larini catholic etjek bolyalar.....turkmen nanina da muhtaj galsa namini satmaz.....
dear friend !
please come back to your country. cos turkmen people is islam,s soldiers and they dont need for your relegion your money and any thing else.
16 years ago
- bärde ýazanyň peýdasy ýok. Okaýandyr öýdýäňmi, biderek ýer tutýaň serweriň ýadynda.
16 years ago
on bolup dagy işleýäňiz öýdýän komp-da bir wagtda.
yok komendat bir adama iki kompyuter bar.
oyde hic welin uniwersitetde kursdashlar bar.
16 years ago
- Bay boow bularyn bolan bolup yoruşlerini.
Obalarda arkayyn hereket edip yörlera how bular. Hany bizin organ işgarlerimiz nirede?
Name üçin şu zatlara seredilenok.
Allah Ülkamize we halkymyza yardam etsin
16 years ago
- Türkmenistan dünýewi döwlet. Zor bilen mejbur etmek bizlere däl adat. Adat dälem bolsa bu ne apat.
16 years ago
16 years ago
- barde gowy zat bar eken .
16 years ago
- bularam chozup bashlan bolsa bashga zat geregem dal indi ne gozel dunyewi dowleti dagatjaklar az dalow.
13 years ago
- Owal görmâmdim haçly dayzany
Kaya 16 years ago- mumkin bolsa turkmen dilinde yazay