Nigerian artist broke the world record for longest time drawing

Chancellor Ahaghotu, a student at Savannah College of Art and Design in Atlanta, Georgia, broke the world record for longest time drawing. He stayed at the easel for 100 hours straight, which is 40 hours more than the previous record set by Roland Palmaerts in 2013. This was reported by “MIR 24” with reference to the Guinness World Records website....

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142 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

The national teams of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan announced the final squads for the 2023 Asian Cup

The final composition of the national teams of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan for the upcoming 2023 Asian Cup has become known. The tournament will be held in Qatar from January 12 to February 10 of this year, 2024.
Let us note that the Uzbek team’s final application did not include star forward and team captain Eldor Shomurodov. The...

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137 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

The 2023 Asian Cup trophy was presented in Qatar

The main prize of the 2023 Asian Cup was presented in Qatar. To see the cup in person and take a photo in front of it, fans line up in long lines.
“A trophy that makes you smile”, - says the press service of the tournament organizers.
Let us remind that on January 12, the 18th football tournament among the national teams of the member...

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132 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

A university forum “Turkmenistan-UNESCO: the education system on the path to sustainable development” was held

In December, the Magtymguly Turkmen State University hosted the forum “Turkmenistan - UNESCO: the education system on the path to sustainable development”, organized jointly by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the Secretariat of the National Committee of Turkmenistan for UNESCO.
The event was attended by the Executive Secretary...

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Täzelikler, 8 months ago

Turkmen universities entered into agreements with CLEC on the training of Chinese teachers

Three Turkmen universities have entered into agreements with the Chinese Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC) of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China to improve the qualifications of Turkmen Chinese language teachers, reports the IIC.
Cooperation agreements were signed during the visit of CLEC General D...

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142 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

Turkmenistan Airlines will resume flights to Milan, Kuala Lumpur, Jeddah and Ho Chi Minh City

Turkmenistan Airlines will resume flights from Ashgabat to Milan (Italy), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) and Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam). This is evidenced by updated information on the website
At the moment, online sales of tickets for flights from the Turkmen capital to Jeddah (4322.5 TMT) and Ho Chi...

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116 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

Record low temperature of the 21st century recorded in Finland

The Finnish Meteorological Institute reports record low temperatures recorded in the country, RT reports.
According to the institute, on the night of January 5 at the weather station at Enontekiyo Airport the temperature dropped to -44.3°C.
This is the absolute minimum in the entire history of weather observations in Finland in the 21...

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112 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

A celebration on the occasion of the proclamation of the motto of 2024 was held at the Historical and Local Lore Museum of Lebap velayat of Turkmenistan

The thematic conference Magtymguly–halkyň öçmez çyragy (“Magtymguly is the unquenchable light of the people”) and the exhibition dedicated to the Year “The Fount of the Mind of Magtymguly Fragi” were held today at the Historical and Local Lore Museum of Lebap velayat, reports Turkmenportal correspondent.
The conference was attended by museum...

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142 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

Royal Mail will issue commemorative stamps to mark the 30th anniversary of the Spice Girls

In honor of the Spice Girls' thirtieth anniversary, the UK Royal Mail will release collectible stamp sets. RIA Novosti reports this with reference to a postal statement on the social network.
The stamps will go on sale January 11. The most expensive platinum set, limited to a thousand copies, will retail for 200 pounds sterling.

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120 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

Flydubai will train pilots for civil aviation in Turkmenistan

The Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and Flydubai airline (UAE) intend to establish cooperation in the field of pilot training. This is evidenced by the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the parties, the Turkmenhowayollary Agency reports.
The agreement provides for the possibility of F...

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Tehnologiýa, 8 months ago

Fashion shows of Turkmen national clothing will be held in Ashgabat

Fashion shows of Turkmen national clothing will be held in the capital of Turkmenistan from January 7 to 9, timed to coincide with such an important event as the inclusion of Ashgabat in the UNESCO network of creative cities.
A series of events will be held at the Ashgabat Fashion House with the support of the Secretariat of the National Com...

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142 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

The new Boeing 777-300 ER operates its first flights from Ashgabat to Abu Dhabi

The second Boeing 777-300 ER delivered to Turkmenistan began operating flights on the route Ashgabat – Abu Dhabi – Ashgabat on the very first day, TDH reports.
The new airliner can accommodate 368 passengers, has a non-stop flight range of 11,390 kilometers, and its cruising speed is 905 kilometers per hour. Thanks to this, it allows passeng...

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116 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

China successfully tested first nationally produced electric aircraft

In Zhejiang province, China Aviation Industry General Aircraft conducted the first test flight of the AG60E electric aircraft in China. TASS reports this with reference to the Xinhua agency.
The aircraft is a modified version of the single-engine AG60 sports aircraft. It has a length of 6,9 meters and a wingspan of 8,6 meters. The maximum sp...

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121 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

Remakes of the cult games Silent Hill 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 will be released in 2024

Sony presented a trailer for upcoming PlayStation 5 releases. It showed two long-awaited remakes: Silent Hill 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. reports this.
Silent Hill 2 is one of the most famous horror games in history. The remake will be created by the Bloober Team studio, known for the games Layers of Fear and The M...

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120 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

Restaurant Soltan in the Gül Zemin shopping and entertainment center is a great place for a family holiday

One of the most convenient places in Ashgabat for a family lunch or dinner is the Soltan restaurant, located on the 3rd floor of the Gül Zemin shopping and entertainment center. The restaurant is open from 9:00 to 23:00, so you can gather here at almost any time of the day, as well as relax while shopping.
The undoubted advantages of the res...

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104 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

Legendary Brazilian Mario Zagallo has passed away

At the age of 92, the outstanding Brazilian football player and coach Mario Zagallo died, writes TASS with reference to his page on the social network.
“It is with deep regret that we announce the death of our eternal world champion, Mario Jorge Lobo Zagallo. Loving husband, grandfather, friend and mentor. A patriot who left a great legacy”,...

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103 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

USA team won the World Junior Hockey Championship for the sixth time

The US national ice hockey team won the 2023 World Junior Championships, beating Sweden 6-2 in the final match. The decisive match was held in Gothenburg, reports RIA “Novosti”.
Gabe Perreault, Isaac Howard (scored two goals each), Ziv Buium, Ryan Leonard and Rutger McGroarty scored for the Americans. The Swedes scored goals from Otto Stenbe...

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Sport, 8 months ago

Туркменские ВУЗы подписали соглашения о сотрудничестве с китайским языковым центром

Международный университет гуманитарных наук и развития, Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули и Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков имени Д. Азади подписали Соглашение о сотрудничестве с китайским Центром языкового образования и сотрудничества. Об этом сообщает интернет-издание «Туркменистан: Золотой век».

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112 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

В Ашхабад прибыл новый пассажирский самолет Boeing 777-300 ER

Сегодня, 5 января 2024 года, в Ашхабад прибыл новый пассажирский самолет «Boeing 777-300 ER». Об этом сообщает телеграм-канал интернет-издания «Türkmenistan Habarlar Portaly».
Самолет американской фирмы Boenig был приобретен в рамках модернизации инфраструктуры гражданской авиации в соответствии с Национальной программой развития гражданской...

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Täzelikler, 8 months ago

В Национальном музее Государственного культурного центра Туркменистана состоялась конференция ЮНЕСКО

В Национальном музее Государственного культурного центра Туркменистана состоялась конференция по внесению серийной транснациональной номинации «Шелковый путь: Заравшан Каракумский коридор» в список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Конференция была организована Национальным управлением по охране, изучению и реставрации памятников истории и культуры. Об э...

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104 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

В Туркменистане состоялся маслахат, посвященный презентации книги Главы страны

В Национальном музыкально-драматическом театре Туркменистана имени Махтумкули прошел торжественный маслахат, посвященный презентации книги Президента Туркменистана Сердара Бердымухамедова. Об этом сообщается в электронной газете «Нейтральный Туркменистан».
В мероприятии приняли участие деятели культуры и искусства, поэты, писатели, лауреаты...

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111 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

В Туркменистане состоялся маслахат, посвященный презентации книги Главы страны

В Национальном музыкально-драматическом театре Туркменистана имени Махтумкули прошел торжественный маслахат, посвященный презентации книги Президента Туркменистана Сердара Бердымухамедова. Об этом сообщается в электронной газете «Нейтральный Туркменистан».
В мероприятии приняли участие деятели культуры и искусства, поэты, писатели, лауреаты...

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112 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

Посольством Туркменистана в Анкаре организован форум

В Анкаре состоялся Международный научный форум, посвященный объявлению в Туркменистане 2024 года годом «Кладезь разума Махтумкули Фраги». Об этом сообщает МИД Туркменистана.
Мероприятие было организовано Посольством Туркменистана в Турции совместно с Университетом социальных наук Анкары и Союзом инженеров и архитекторов тюркского мира. В кон...

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99 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

В Туркменистане прошла конференция, посвященная девизу 2024-го года

В Историко-краеведческом музее Лебапского велаята сегодня прошла конференция «Махтумкули – негасимый светоч народа». Также была организована выставка, посвященная объявлению 2024-ого года в Туркменистане годом «Кладезь разума Махтумкули Фраги». Об этом сообщает интернет-издание «Türkmenistan Habarlar Portaly».
Участниками конференции было от...

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105 0
Täzelikler, 8 months ago

Туркменский Посол встретился с главой МИД Узбекистана

Состоялась встреча министра иностранных дел Республики Узбекистан Рахматулла Нуримбетова с Послом Туркменистана Шадурды Мередовым по вопросам дальнейшего развития сотрудничества между странами. Об этом сообщает интернет-издание «Türkmenistan Habarlar Portaly».
В ходе встречи стороны обсудили дальнейшее сотрудничество в политико-дипломатическ...

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Täzelikler, 8 months ago