Sen şu sahypamyzda özüňe dürli peýdaly maslahatlar alarsyň diýip umyt edýäris. Makalalarda: Kun-fu, U-şu, Ýoga - bular adama peýdalymy? Ýorup berme, gipnoz, palçylara ýüzlenmek - bu bize zelel getirermi? Alaja dakmak adamy goraýarmy we ş.m gyzykly makalalara hoş geldiň. Hoş geldiň!
Täze türkmen internet sahypasy
16 years ago
- ey bu sahypa hristyanlygy tanadyan sahypa oytyan.agam sen name bizi gul yaly musluman halimiza hristyana donderjek bolyanmi?:(
16 years ago
- adam777, muslmalygyn nahili yamanlygyny gördün-de hiristiyanlygy gerek gördün, İsa pygamberin Allanyn ogly bolmagy(haşa) mana yaman ters gelya, adam bir namejik, bir topar nogsanlary bar, bu planetada adamdan güyçli naçe yaradylanlar bar, onsonam hiristiyanlyk naçe güna işlesenem sonundan günani yuwyp günasiz bolup bolya gerek, sen onda kan howlykma, bardakilerem durmuşyny yaşasyn ona-da wagt taparlar:), ay name herkimin niyetine gör-a bersin-da, niyetin gowy bolsa bolya senem dogry düşersin belki
16 years ago
- "Gurban ölüminden ozal öz söýgisini Taňry Isa bildirip we oňa durmuşyny bagyş etmegi barada birnäçe setir ybadat sözlemi ýazýar: «Gadyrdan Rebbim Isa, men Seniň çüý kakylan aýaklaryňy görmegim üçin, Öz ýanyňa barmagyma rugsat et! Gadyrdan Rebbim Isa, men Seni pes göwünlikde şöhratlamagyma we çüý kakylan aýaklaryňdyr, elleriňi oşamagyma rugsat et. "
Dost bu adam samsykmy İsa pygambere tanry diya?!hey bir adam tanry bolp bilermi?!isa pygamber hem beyleki gelen pygamberlr yaly bir ynsansdy,ol hem Allatagalanyn bir guludy!Onson nadip ol tanry bolupbilya?!onun pygamberligini muslumanlar hem kabul etya!Nadip bir adam tanry diyip bilyaniz?!siz seydip İsa pygamberi hem Allatagalanyn garsysynda utandyryanyz!!!
16 years ago
- Gosadyrnak icinde gorkezen sozlerim sahypasynyn shayatlyklar diylen boluminden alnandyr!!!hormatlar!
16 years ago
- moderatorlar dost senden hayist...adam777 yali turkmene ters gelyan yazgilari barik cimasin..olaryn yazgysyny poz..bu is hic hem onat dal..hasam tmdeki yetkililere barsa..talyplaryn uysyan sayttinda hr
istiyan dinini yayjak bolyalar diyip ulaldarlar..adam777 sana men bir zat diyemmok..sen oz yoluni saylapsin,yolunda dogry yoremek allajan nesip etsin yone turkmen talyplaryny hristiyanlyga cekjek bolup misyonerlige baslasan o sen
in ucin onat bolmaz..hahykaty aytsam sayty onat yasapsin..terjimeler arassa..yone turkmene gelismejek bir zat..hazir biz bu hristiyanliga yol bersek gelejekde beyleki dinin mensuplaram kopeler.gysgaca garym gatym beyleki dinin misyonerligini etyan adamlan arassa oz gowunlerinden bu isi etyanliginden men gumana..olaryn kopusi dasary guyclerin beryan pullaryna gyzyalar...Allajan hemmanize kuwwat bersin......
16 years ago
- adam777, meni esidyan mi inim. Sen-a WANK eken
16 years ago
- it uyrer kerwn gecer gadyrly talyplar bular yalilaryn kokunu nesip bolsa gysga wagt icinde gyrarys yoldas mr adam sumak 666 777 mi bilemok welin nahili beryan pullary kopeldimi misyoner agalaryn haysy church den alyan stipendiyamy ya aylykmy namedigna biljek dal welin isdan acyk bolsun yone sizin yalilar ucin bizin gapymyz myhman hem bolsan mydama yapykdyr
16 years ago
- adam777'dä seslenmek isleýärin. adam777! Hudaýa şükür, elhamdulilläh men musulman. hemme pygamberlere ynanýaryn. Hz.Isa(as)'da musulmanlara göra "ulu'l azm" ýagny 5 sany uly pygamberleriň biri. biziň kitabymyz kuran-i kerim'de diňe birje aýal maşgalanyň ady agzalýar. olam kimdir, bilýäňmi?! Hz.Isa(as)'yň enesi Hz.Merýem. onsoňam biziň ynanjymyza göra Hudaýtagala ölmeýär. ol ebedi(soňy ýok) ve ezeli(öňi ýok). ol birdir(ehad) we ýeketäkdir. hiçzada-da mätäç däldir(samed). ol doguranam däldir, dogrulanam däldir. ol meňzeşi bolmaýan ýeketäkdir.bu barada maglumat gerek bolsa biziň kitabymyz kuran-i kerim'iň 112'ji suresine ýagny "yhlas"(türkmenleşdirsek "kulhuwalla") suresine seredip bilersin.
16 years ago
- Eyyy esek yok bolsanay aramzdan!
Akylsyz diysani,,,,gaty gorsenem seyle akylsyz adamlaryn bardygna gynanyan.
Sen hali bu işler bn meşgullanyanmay!
Dost biz bu temalary senden we senin Reb İsandan gowy bilyas!!!
Ne gozel pygamberimizi Reb edayipsinizle, satjylar diysani.
16 years ago
- Senin ol yigrenji web-sitendaki maslahatlar peydali bolyan bolsa ozune peydasi degerdi.!!!
Gynanyan dost, sen git köne daş asryndaky pikrlen bn yaşaber!!!!! WAHHHAAAAUUUHHAAAA!!!!
Nigine de "adam777"-goyayipduroow, be!!!
16 years ago
- gardashlar gaty-gayrym zat diyman. sebabi bashgalary "musulmanlar ynha sheyle" diymekleri mumkin. onsuz hem gaty gayrym zat diymage hakymyzam yok. sebabi kuran-i kerim'de hz.musa(as) faraony allan(jj) birligine chagyrmak uchin giden wagty hz.musa(as) sheylerak bir zat aydylyar. anyk bilemok yone manysy sheylerak "ona yumshak dil bilen yuzlen" yagny "kawli leyyin". beyleki tarapdanam bizin hichbirimiz pygamberimiz hz.Muhammet(saw)'den ustun dal. adam777 bolsa ebu jehil yaly erbet dal. diyjek bolyanym pygamberimiz hz.Muhammet(saw) ebu jehilin yslam'a girmejegini bilse-de ony yene-de terslemeyar. belki nache gezek gapydan kowulsa-da yene-de baryar. sizlerden hayyshym, shuny yatdan chykarmalyn dostlar-doganlar, agalar-iniler, jigiler-uyalar! gowusy adam777'a hudaytagaladan dogry yoly gorkezmesini dilalin!
16 years ago
moderatorlar dost senden hayist...adam777 yali turkmene ters gelyan yazgilari barik cimasin..olaryn yazgysyny poz..
Pozmasyn dursun! Pozar yaly ol barik gelip birine ziyan edenok! Her kimin egninde kellesi bar her kimem shony ishleder ishleyan bolsa! Shu sahypada nahili erbet yazgylaram yazylya a siz gelip shunun yaly yazga garshy gidyaniz! Ol name sizi zordan hristyan etjek bolyamy?! Garshy bolyan bolsanyz normalniy halda jogap yazyn!!
NamaEyyy esek yok bolsanay aramzdan!
Ine yok etmeli yazgy! Kime eshek diyyan sen?! Adamamy?! Ol sana name etdi?! Sana sogdimi ya kemsitdimi?! Hey-de sen shahsyna bir zat diydimi?! Sen musulman bolup sheyle zat yazmagy ozune dogry hasap edyanmi?! Eysem musulmanchylyk kimdir biri bilen sheyle gurleshmegi wagyz edyami?!
Utananyzogam barynyz!! Mana shu wagt siz musulman bolsanyzam ol hristyan bolsada ol size gora has akylly terbiyeli yaly gorundi! “Wera ne prihodit bez ispytaniya” diyyaler ol shol dine giren bolsa diymek sebapleri bardyr! Pikiri bilen ylalashanokmy in bolmanda sylagyny yitirmejek bol!
Nigine de "adam777"-goyayipduroow, be!!!
Belki sen yalaklaryn “eshek” diymezligi uchin goyandyr?! Yone ondan ne peyda yene-de gelip “eshek” diyip pylchap otursan! Pikirine garshy bolyan bolsan ADAM yaljak jedel edip jogap bermegi bashar!! Bolmasa-da beydip adam kemsitme!! Name uchin derrew onun shahsyna gechyan?! Sen onun durmushy hakda bilyan zadyn barmy?!
16 years ago
- Derrew barynyz bashlayyanyz hristyan diyip?! Bolanynda name hristiyan?! Musulman bolanynda name?! Name uytgeya?! Dinimi?! Name indi din adamyn ozunden onde duryamy?! Mena yewrey, buddalaram gowy goryan hemmeler olary yigrense-de. Bir musulmanyn bir urulup oturan chagan deninden sesini chykarman gechip gidenini gordum bir ors oglanyn bolsa gelip ona komek edenini gordum! Indi men olan haysyna gowy diymeli?! Ya-da ol hristyan, a bu menmusulman diyip, dine ozuni bilyan musulmany gowy gormelimi?! (hemmeler hakda aydamok). Sheydip adamlaryn arasynda bolunshik edilse halamok, men uchin yalnysh shu yagday! Dushunjesizlik yaly bolup gorunya mana shular. Adamlar yone biri-birni iyayjek bolyalar “sen plan dinden, men bolsa plan dinden, sen dinin yalnysh…” yaly dushunjeler bilen. Oz aralarynda samsyk dawalary tapyp yorler. Bolsa bolupdyrda ol hristyan sana ziyany yetyami?!
16 years ago
- Gadyrly ildeşler,
Men türkmen mesihiligime(hristianlygyma) hiç çekinemok. Nämeden çekineýin? Hapa durmuşda ýaşan wagtym, ol maňa aýan bolup erbet durmuşymy düýbinden üýtgetdi. Şonuň üçin men Oňa Taňrym we Halasgärim diýmegi başardym! Hawa men Rebbim Isa Mesihi çyn ýüregimden gowy görýärin we oňa soňky demime çenli ynanyp, hyzmat etjegimi aýdýaryn! Ynanýan Taňrymyň meniň erbet durmuşymy üýtgedendigine men Oňa müňlerçe minnetdar! We ýüregimden hiç kime erbetlik dilemeýärin! Hat-da meniň «adresime» agyr,hapa we gelşiksiz sözler ýazanlary hem Taňrynyň mähirli we bagyşlaýjy ellerine tabşyrýaryn! Adamy ýüregimden ýigrenmezlige günde çalyşýaryn, elbetde bu ýeňil däl!
Suwda iki adam gark bolup barýan bolsa: türkmen we arap, we men gämide bolsam, maňa tapawudy ýok, men ikisine-de kömek berjek, elimi uzatmaga hemişe taýýar!!! Hat-da suwdaky şol türkmen sen bolsaňam gadyrly ildeşim!!!
Dinmi ýa-da ynam diýlen meniň birinji ýazgymda men el-mariacha ýazan ýazgym bar. Elbetde bu ýazgy her okyja niýetlenendir.
Sözümiň soňuny men el-mariacha ýazan soňky sözler bilen tamamlamak isleýärin,
Aýdyşyň ýaly - bu mesihi (hristianskiý) sahypa. Kommentariýalar uçin (gowy we gowy däl kommentariýalara)- minnetdar!
Goý Gudraty Güýçli her biriňizi öz mukaddes elleri bilen erbetlikden, hapa sözlerden, ýalňyşlardan, günäden gorasyn we her biriňize öz täsin ýoly bilen ak pata bersin we her biriňiziň durmuşyňyz Hudaý üçin we onuň sözi üçin açylyp duran arassa bägül bolsun. Bu meniň çyn ýüregimden her biriňize arzuwym.
Hudaý size ak pata bersin,
Hormat bilen
16 years ago
- o how ! adam777 ! Munça ablom bolanson agşam yatjak bolanda name geçyarey göz önünden? Ya da yatmankan hristiyan mollumyn ya da dostun sana gowy edip keyp (natstroyeniye) dolduryar öydyan.. sebabi yene önki boluş.. ya da üyşüp bu milletin , adamlaryn gelejegi barada gaygy alada eden bolyanyzmy? Ha:!?: Motivasiya seminarlarydyr ? Sapaklar soraglar jogaplar.. duşuşyklar .. yygnaklar.. bardaki sen yalylara edyan ekenler şonun yaly hezillikler.. ya da her gelene 100$ , her adam getirene de (200$)xY ----->Y = getiren adam sanyn..
ha!? barda şon yaly betçilikleri bar..sizem şeydin hany hemme kişi maşyn alsyn.. ha.. toydan son oban oglanlaryn a işi kandir.. sadakadan sonam adamlaryn.. dinleyan köpeler.. ha..
hatda sana şeyle bir sorag sorayyn.. türkmenistanyn gelejegini nahili göz önüne getiryarsin? Ha?! hemme kişi hristian bolaysa dograma iyip bolmazow sadakalarda.. tabytam özümiz satyn almaly etjegow sen? Ya da sünnet zat yok gerek.. şo tarapy gowy diyaymesen ilki başlarda... bo r la.. men sana son yen e de yazaryn..
16 years ago
- Slm.Oglanlar.
Ay borla azajyk gaharlandym edyan işleri göz önume geldi de şondan azajyk ataşlandym.
HArmandali senem hakly elbette.
Yalnyşymy düşündim.
Emma senem menden kem galmansynoow.Berekella.
16 years ago
- salam adam7777 sen oz hristyanlygyn bilen hoshal bolsan biz oran shat bizem beyik Allama shukur muslumanchylygymyz bln hoshal.barik girip bir topar chaganyn kellesini garyshdyrmasan oran hoshal bolardyk.gudraty guychli biribar hemmamizi sayasynda aman saklasyn
16 years ago
- Wah guler_yuzli adamcylykdyrda...
16 years ago
- gadyrdanlar adam777 gorunenoklay. name bolduka ona?! shona berlen soraglary ayratyn mowzuk hokmunde yazaysammay?!'a girmese-de bolmanda internetden seredyandira!
16 years ago
- Salam hoshowaz,
Soraglaryň bolsa, baş üstüne, beräý.
Hormat bilen,
Adam 777
16 years ago
- waleykimsalam adam777.
najire?! onatchylykmy?! nirede boldunow?! yitdina!
menin soragyn senin beyleki yazgyn bara, "dinmi ya-da ynanch" shondadyr. islesen seret! onsonam "salam"yn manysynam shol yerde dushundiraysen!
16 years ago
- Men bu saýtda täze bolamsoň öňki hatlary bilemmok, herhili adama gabat gelse bolýan ekenaý bärde!
eý adam! her kimiň dini ynanjy özüne, goýunam geçem öz aýagyndan asylar. eger sen hristýanlygy saýlan bolsaň meň saň diýjek zadym ýok, içimden misionerlere sögünerin, ýöne senem gelip bärde missionerlik etme!
näme üçin ýada nädip hristýanlygy saýlanyňy biljekdäl, pul üçin diniňi satan däldirsiň diýip beýik biribardan dileg etýän.
enşalla sen türkmenistanda ýaşaýan rus hristýansyňdyr. bir türkmeniň gözel yslam dinini taşlap hristýan bolanyny görmek meň dünýede görmek islemedik zatlarymyň başynda gelýär.
allajana müň şükür bizä musulman maşgalada dogulypdyrys, şol sebäplem musulman bolupdyrys, men seniň çagalaryňa gynanýan!!!
16 years ago
- din propogandasyny edyar bu sayt.
16 years ago
Soraglaryň bolsa, baş üstüne, beräý. Hormat bilen,
Adam 777Adam777 | 2008-07-05 08:52:08
eý Adam777! men hoshowaz-a däl,ýöne saňa soraglarym welin gaty kän.
1. näme üçin hristian dinini saýlap aldyň?
2. bu seniň 1-nji diniňmi ýa-da 2-nji?
3. Isa pygamberiň Allatagalanyň (baş harp bilen ýazypdym) oglydygyny nädip subut edip biljek?
bary-ýogy üç sanjak sorag! jogap berip bilermiň, eý hristian?
16 years ago
- bu ýerde bolsa (eger, iňlisçe bilýän bolsaň) seniň öwrenaýmeli käbir zatlaryňy ýazdym. üns bilen oka we gowuja netije çykar! OK!
Throughout history, God has sent prophets to lead their people out of their mistaken beliefs and to the path of true monotheistic belief by relaying God's revelation to them. Although each religion contains different stipulations, observances, and practices, their essence is always the same: tawhid, which the Qur'an defines as "to believe in God as the One and Only Deity." Someone who believes in tawhid knows that Almighty God is the Lord of the worlds, that all people are totally dependent upon Him, and that all beings have submitted to Him. To put it another way, Christianity and Judaism, despite their corrupted forms, are built on the foundation of absolute monotheism.
All members of these three religions who believe in God's existence and oneness abide by the religion that our Lord revealed to Prophet Abraham (pbuh). According to the Qur'an, his religion is a haneef (pure natural belief) religion, and our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) was commanded to abide by it:
Then We revealed to you: "Follow the religion of Abraham, a man of pure natural belief [haneef]. He was not one of the idolaters." (Surat an-Nahl: 123)
The word haneef means someone who believes in and serves only God. This is the attribute of Prophet Abraham (pbuh) that the Qur'an emphasizes as being haneef, for this great servant of God distanced himself from his tribe's superstitious beliefs and turned solely to God. He also encouraged his tribe to abandon their pagan beliefs and idolatry. (For details, see Harun Yahya, Prophet Abraham and Prophet Lot [Istanbul: Global Publishing, 2005].)
The divine religion revealed to Prophet Abraham (pbuh) was maintained by sincere believers among his progeny:
Who would deliberately renounce the religion of Abraham except someone who reveals himself to be a fool? We chose him in this world, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the righteous. When his Lord said to him: "Become a Muslim," he [Abraham] said: "I am a Muslim who has submitted to the Lord of all the worlds." Abraham directed his sons to this, as did Jacob: "My sons. God has chosen this religion for you, so do not die except as Muslims." Or were you present when death came to Jacob and he asked his sons: "What will you worship when I have gone?" They said: "We will worship your God, the God of your forefathers Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac – one God. We are Muslims submitted to Him." (Surah Al 'Imran: 130-133)
As we have seen, Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) haneef religion is common to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Jews regard him as the prophet of all Jews and say that they are following his path. Like them, Christians also regard Prophet Abraham (pbuh) as one of their prophets. Faith, love, and respect for this great prophet are as important to Jews and Christians as they are to Muslims:
Who could have a better religion than someone who submits himself completely to God, is a good-doer, and follows the religion of Abraham, a man of pure natural belief? God took Abraham as an intimate friend. (Surat an-Nisa': 125)
As commanded by our Lord, Muslims believe in what was revealed to all of the prophets and make no distinction between them:
Say: "We believe in God and what has been sent down to us; what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes; what Moses and Jesus were given; and what all the Prophets were given by their Lord. We do not differentiate between any of them. We are Muslims submitted to Him." (Surat al-Baqara: 136)
However, those who are closest to Prophet Abraham (pbuh), who is a role model for all believers with his joyous faith in and deep love of God, his submission and obedience to all of our Lord's commands, and his superior moral values, are those who abide by those moral values and follow the path of monotheism. Our Lord reveals that:
The people with the strongest claim to Abraham are those who follow him and this Prophet, and those who believe. God is the Protector of the believers. (Surah Al 'Imran: 68)
For this reason, Christians and Jews who sincerely believe in God must, like Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and those who follow him, turn solely to God and adopt his moral values, sincerity, and depth of faith. Like his followers, they must be devout believers in God's oneness and ascribe no partners to Him. However, the Christians have left this path due to their belief in the trinity, which has, in effect, given God two partners: Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and the Holy Spirit (God is surely beyond that!).
What does the error of the trinity mean for Christians?
Christianity was born among the Jews living in Palestine. Almost all of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) people, including his followers, were Jews who lived by the Mosaic law. The most fundamental characteristic of Judaism was its uncompromising monotheism.
However, after Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) ascension to God's presence, Christianity began to assume a very different form as it moved out of the Jewish world and into the pagan one. Its traditional monotheism, the basis of the Mosaic law, underwent a great change: Due to the belief in the trinity, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) began to be regarded as divine. (Surely God is beyond all such misguided beliefs and expressions.)
The concept of the trinity, the culmination of a long process, refers to belief in a three-part God consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It has become one of traditional Christianity's most important elements of faith, despite its contradiction of monotheistic belief in our Almighty Lord as the One and Only. It may be described as follows:
1. According to the belief in the trinity, God revealed Himself in three distinct identities, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and yet they are the same thing. In other words, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are God Himself, or God exists as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. According to this irrational and mistaken belief, each of the three components of the trinity is God, and thus possesses the same power and capacity. (Surely God is beyond that!)
2. It is believed that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is the son of God, and therefore possesses the same nature as God. This belief, known as homoousian, states that the Father and the Son have the same essence.
3. It is believed that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was not created, but came from eternity as the son of God, was made flesh and became a human being, and descended from heaven to bring salvation to humanity through his crucifixion. This belief is known as incarnation.
The belief in the trinity, which is a mistaken one seeing our Almighty Lord through a superstitious eye, ascribes divinity to Prophet Jesus (pbuh), sent by God as a prophet to his people. However, despite its many internal contradictions and anti-monotheistic nature, it still occupies a very important place in Christian belief. In fact, some Christians consider it a "litmus test" for those who consider themselves to be Christian.
However, history shows that those people and communities who rejected this erroneous belief and maintained that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was merely a human being and prophet of God have been dealt with harshly. The evidence that such people produced from the New Testament and the life of Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was always ignored, and people were forbidden to discuss such matters. As we shall see in the following chapters, opponents of belief in the trinity claimed that its proponents openly ascribed partners to God. As a result, church authorities branded them and their followers as unbelievers, heretics, or enemies of the faith. Some were exiled, and others were hanged or burnt alive by the Inquisition's courts. Yet this did not reduce their numbers or prevent the spread of their ideas. Nonetheless, the proponents of the trinity were always in the majority.
Even impartial researchers have determined that true Christianity is that muwahhid (monotheistic) Christianity that was oppressed during Europe's Dark and Middle Ages. Many Biblical scholars, especially those beginning with the eighteenth century, have concluded that the trinity, atonement for sins, and similar beliefs are nowhere to be found in the New Testament or other early Christian scriptures that did not make it into the New Testament.
As a result, some contemporary Christian denominations reject the trinity. The Unitarian Church, for example, is a large denomination that rejects this belief. Although there may be differences of opinion among them, such congregations deny that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is the son of God and say that true Christianity commands one to believe in God as the One and Only. Many of them also emphasize the erroneous belief that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was crucified to atone for humanity's sins. Today, one can find anti-trinitarian Christians throughout the Christian world under different names and different ecclesiastical organizations. In the United States in particular, "opponents of the trinity" are growing stronger every day, and there is a great increase in the number of people openly expressing the truth in the Christian world. Among these, The Worldwide Church of God is particularly noteworthy. The founder of this church, Herbert W. Armstrong, maintains that belief in the trinity is a superstition that emerged under the influence of pagan cultures.
On the other hand, it is a fact that some anti-trinitarian views emerged within various Christian churches but that they were suppressed. For instance, the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist movement, which was born in the nineteenth century and stresses that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will soon return, actually built their denomination on Arian foundations (Arius a young deacon in the Alexandrian church, was an important Christian of the third century who rejected the trinity and the divine nature ascribed to Prophet Jesus [pbuh]) However, the charges of deviation from Christianity leveled at this denomination by other churches led to its abandonment of Arianism and subsequent adoption of the trinity. This interesting volte-face is today admitted by members of that church.
One of the most noteworthy aspects of this subject is that trinitarian belief does not appear in the Bible itself. It appears neither in the Old Testament, the holy book of the Jews, nor in the New Testament, the Christian holy text. Rather, it is based on misinterpretations of a few New Testament passages, and the word itself was only used for the first time by Theophilus of Antioch at the end of the second century. Acceptance of the belief took place much later. Given these facts, Biblical researchers and scholars, as well as opponents of the trinity, ask such questions as: If this belief were really true, did Prophet Jesus (pbuh) not state it unequivocally? And why is trinitarian belief not openly stated in the Bible? Their answers are unambiguous: No belief that is not clearly present in the New Testament, and which was thus unknown to the early Christians, can represent the basis of Christianity. This is an error that came about after Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and under the influence of the established Greek [pagan] culture.
16 years ago
- dowamynam ýazaýyn, eger isleseňiz!
Trinitarianism has been the cause of considerable debate from the time of its appearance right up to the present day. In fact, these arguments have spread to ever wider areas since the eighteenth century. Biblical researchers of that time first asked why belief in the trinity was not openly expressed in the Gospels, and then questioned under what conditions it appeared. Today, many theologians, scientists, researchers, writers, and independent Christian movements reject many traditional beliefs, particularly the trinity and the belief in the atonement for sins. Some of them, examples of which we shall consider in due course, adopt an Arianist understanding instead of trinitarian belief based upon the Bible and research into surviving works by the earliest Christians.
Following the decisions taken at the Councils of Nicaea (325) and Chalcedon (451), belief in the trinity became Christianity's foundation stone, and refusal to accept it made one a heretic. Those who said that such an idea contradicted faith in a monotheistic God, who maintained that the trinity did not appear in the Gospels or who had reservations on the subject, were either silenced or pressured into acceptance. In his Articles of the Apostolic Creed, Theodore Zahn says that "the article of faith up until about 250 AD was, 'I believe in God, the Almighty'. Between 180 and 210 AD the word 'Father' was added 'the Almighty'. This was bitterly contested by a number of the leaders of the Church … since they regarded it an unthinkable sacrilege to add or subtract any word to the Scriptures."
Duncan Heaster, known for his Biblical research, set out his views in a debate on the trinity in 1988:
I would suggest to you that the Trinity is a conception of God which is impossible to understand and which completely contradicts the clear teaching of the word of God. Can you understand a God who is one and yet three and three and yet one? Can you conceive of a son who existed before he was born? A son who is as old as his father? I suggest that the doctrine of the Trinity finds no place at all in the Word of God. There is no mention of the word trinity in the Bible, and it was introduced into Christianity, as most of us here will be aware, in the 3rd century A.D. ... The word "God" occurs about 1,300 times in the New Testament, and in not one of those passages where the word "God" occurs is there any suggestion of a plurality of persons in the Godhead... But that God, I submit, is unknown to the pages of the Scriptures."
Heaster's words are unequivocal, and many other scholars today express the same views. John Hick, for example, author of The Rainbow of Faiths, reaches the following conclusion: (Surely God is beyond all the expressions in the following summary):
1. When we look at the research carried out in recent years, we see that Prophet Jesus did not teach that he was God, or the Son of God, the second element in the Trinity. In complete contrast to that belief, he always taught that he was the son of Man.
2. Christian authorities and theologians are unable to expound the traditional Christian belief that Prophet Jesus is both fully God and also fully human in a comprehensible manner.
3. Belief in incarnation does irreparable harm to Christians' relations with other religious traditions and their adherents. That is because this belief implies that Christianity is superior to other religions.
One matter needs to be clarified here. This article does not seek to judge either those people who first proposed this belief or those sincere Christians who adhere to it, but to reveal the truth about trinitarian belief according to the Qur'an and to explain how it came to be produced and adopted. It must not be forgotten that true Muslims believe in all of the prophets and books sent by God, and respect Christians beliefs and values. Muslims feel great affection for all Christians who sincerely believe in God, fear and respect Him, are sincerely devoted to Him, and who respect His messenger, Prophet Jesus (pbuh), and approach such Christians in a spirit of friendship and tolerance.
There may be people who propagate belief in the trinity with secret designs of their own, who look to only their own interests. In much the same way, others of sincere intent may possibly have moved away from the true path gradually, without being aware of it. The belief in question, originally expressed in a different form, may have become distorted over time. Communities of individuals who supported beliefs similar to the trinity and played a role in its becoming accepted must have held very different ideas from one another. Some may well have supported such claims, with the aim of emphasizing the superior moral values of Prophet Jesus (pbuh), while others may have misinterpreted metaphorical expressions. Still others, influenced by the prevailing political and cultural conditions of the time, may have wanted to ensure a more rapid spread of Christianity. In rejecting the trinity, therefore, we need to bear in mind the possibility that the first Christians may have fallen into error through being influenced by the historical, political, and cultural conditions of their time, or else may have been adversely affected by the persecution and oppression to which they were subjected. The probable reasons for the claim about the trinity being put forward are revealed in this chapter. (Surely God is beyond all the superstitious expressions employed in this chapter to describe Christians' mistaken beliefs. We once again state that Prophet Jesus [pbuh] has nothing to do with such ascriptions.)
16 years ago
- senem Adam777 bu ýazylan ýazgylary okap musulman bolaýsaň, nädýär?! ägirt sogab-a gazanardyň, dost!
Crip-T AKA Rush
16 years ago
- adam777 bashga din'i alan bolsan bolupdyr bashgalaryna bir degme. Men musulman diyip bazgalaryny aldap propaganda edemoga. Sen guna edip bashgalary oz dinine gechirjek bolyan my ? Ay bolyada ediber adamyn kellesi yerinde bolsa nache propaganda etsenem dinlemez. Oz wagtyny boshuna gechiriber.
16 years ago
- Gadyrdan dashoguzly,
Dini propoganda etmeýär. Bu Reb Isa Mesih barada sitedyr. Mukaddes Kitapda: «Eger Taňryny çyn ýüregiňden gözleseň, onda Ony taparsyň» diýilýär. Şonuň üçin meniň islegim hakykaty tapmagyň,
Rebbiň Özi ak pata bersin
16 years ago
- Gadyrdan nehir,
Men hakykaty tapanyma gaty begenýärin! Mukaddes Kitapda Reb Isanyň aýdan sözleri bar: «Siz Mukaddes Ýazgylary agtaryşdyrýarsyňyz, çünki ebedi ýaşaýyş şolardadyr öýdýärsiňiz. Olar bolsa Men hakda güwälik edýärler».
Nehir tapawudy ýok, ähli Ýazgylar Taňry Isa Mesih barada güwälik edýär, şonuň üçin Reb Isa: «Men Ýol, hakykat we Ýaşaýyşdyryn» diýdi.
Hormat bilen,
16 years ago
- Gadyrdan Crip-t aka rush,
Men hiç kime propaganda edemok. Men daşoguzla hem ýazdym.
hem propoganda site däl,
Hormat bilen,
16 years ago
- adam enetegem yaşayanamay sen dossum?
biz musulmanlar hemme pigamberleri ve dinleri islamin kömegi tanadik.
eger biz islami taşlap(beyle zat bolup bilmez akilli adamlar üçin)başga dini kabul etsek.düybünden vejera bolaris.
sen birazrak islami övren doss.yalnişini gözlap dal-de övrenmek üçin.eger yalnişini tapjak bolup okajak bolsan hiç okama has govi.ayan aydan da hristiyanligin modasi geçdi haçanda din adamlarinin özleri kitap yazanda.
garakchy 16 years ago- din propogandasy edilyan eken sahypanyzda!!!men bilyanim bu sahypa taze dal.gecenlerde "hack" edildi oydyan!!!ya yalnyshmy?!