Ata Watan
TÝL ― 2023: üçünji aýlaw iki aýa çeker
29-njy oktýabrda Türkmenistanyň futbol çempionatynyň üçünji aýlawyna badalga berler. Bu barada TFF-niň resmi saýty habar berýär.
Ýeri gelende bellesek, ýurduň futbol çempionatynyň birinji hem-de ikinji aýlawlarynyň geçirilen duşuşyklarynyň netijesinde 42 utuk toplan «Arkadag» topary ýaryş tertibinde birinji basgançagy eýelemegini dow...
CNPC «Türkmenistanyň nebiti we gazy — 2023» halkara forumynyň platina hemaýatkäri boldy
CNPC her ýyl geçirilýän esasy energetika çäresi bolan «Türkmenistanyň nebiti we gazy» halkara forumyna işjeň gatnaşýar. Kompaniýa bu ýyl 25—27-nji oktýabrda geçiriljek forumyň platina hemaýatkäri boldy.
CNPC-niň dünýäniň energetika giňişliginde öňdebaryjy orny eýeleýän toplumlaýyn halkara energetika kompaniýasydygyny bellemelidiris. 30-dan g...
Türkmenistan Almaty şäherinde Merkezi Aziýanyň zenanlarynyň dialogynyň maslahatyna gatnaşdy
16-njy oktýabrda Almatyda Merkezi Aziýanyň zenanlar dialogynyň çäginde «Zenanlar, parahatçylyk we howpsuzlyk» atly halkara maslahat geçirildi. Gazagystanyň baştutanlygynda geçen bu çäre BMG-niň we Gazagystan Respublikasynyň Prezidentiniň ýanyndaky Zenanlar we maşgala-demografiýa syýasaty boýunça milli toparyň goldawy bilen guraldy.
Dünýäde iň köp satylýan oýun belli edildi
«Mojang» kompaniýasy «Minecraft» oýnunyň 300 million nusgalykda satylandygyny habar berdi diýip, «WindowsCentral» portalyna salgylanýan «» ýazýar.
«Mojang» kompaniýasynyň maglumatlaryna görä, bu oýnuň dürli platformalarda satylan sany 300 million nusgalykdan agdy. Bu oýnuň esasy bäsdeşi «Grand Theft Auto V» oýnundan 115 million nusg...
Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň Başlygynyň Hytaýa sapary başlandy
Türkmen halkynyň Milli Lideri, Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň Başlygy Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow «Bir guşak, bir ýol» üçünji ýokary derejeli maslahatyna gatnaşmak üçin Hytaý Halk Respublikasyna iş sapary bilen bardy.
Halk Maslahatynyň Başlygynyň Aşgabatdan ugran uçary Pekiniň «Şoudu» howa menziline gondy. Howa menzilinde Gahryman Arkadagy H...
Belgiýada «Energiýa adasy» gurlar
2026-njy ýylda Belgiýada dünýädäki ilkinji «Energiýa adasy» peýda bolar diýip, «Habar 24» ýazýar.
Ol golaýda ýerleşýän ýel beketleri tarapyndan öndürilýän energiýany paýlar hem-de Belgiýanyň, Beýik Britaniýanyň we Daniýanyň energiýa ulgamyny birleşdirer.
Ada «Şa zenan Ýelizaweta» diýip at dakmak meýilleşdirilýär. Ol ýurduň kenarýakala...
IUHD and Astrakhan University are expanding cooperation
International University of Humanities and Development (IUHD) and Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishchev signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.
The signing ceremony of the agreement was held on October 12 within the framework of the international exhibition “Healthcare, Education and Sports in the Renaissance Era of a Ne...
Deputy Prime Minister Batyr Atdayev took part in the opening of the National Day of Turkmenistan at “EXPO 2023 Doha”
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan for Trade Complex, Textile Industry and Entrepreneurship Batyr Atdayev took part in the opening ceremony of the National Day of Turkmenistan at the international horticultural exhibition “EXPO 2023 Doha” in Qatar. The website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan reports this....
A US resident demands 8 million USD in compensation from Warner Bros. for the defective Harry Potter wand
American Jessica Perry filed a lawsuit against Warner Bros. for the fact that the Harry Potter souvenir wand seriously injured the eye of her youngest son, writes with reference to TMZ.
A woman bought her children a copy of Harry Potter's wand from films about the wizarding world. During the game, the older child waved the...
A gala reception was held in Moscow in honor of the 32nd anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan
A gala reception was held in Moscow in honor of the 32nd anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan. The event was organized and hosted by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Russian Federation.
The gala evening was attended by deputies of the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation...
Russia takes over the chairmanship of the CIS for 2024
The chairmanship of the CIS will be transferred to the Russian Federation from Kyrgyzstan from January 1, 2024. Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan will become co-chairs of Russia. This was stated by CIS Executive Secretary Sergei Lebedev at an expanded meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth in Bishkek, writes “Mir 24”.
“The issu...
Turkmenistan discussed participation in a new transport corridor that will connect China with Europe
Representatives of the transport departments of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran and Turkey discussed via video conference the signing of an agreement on the creation of a new transport and transit corridor that will connect China with the European Union. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Transport of Uzbekistan.
The visit of the President of Turkmenistan to Kyrgyzstan has ended
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov’s working visit to Kyrgyzstan ended today, where he took part in the summit of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Watan information program reported.
The head of state flew to Ashgabat from Manas International Airport in Bishkek. He was seen off at the airport by high-ranking officials of the...
A concert dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Nury Halmamedov will be held in Ashgabat
The State Symphony Orchestra of Turkmenistan under the direction of Resul Klychev invites Ashgabat residents and guests of the capital to the “Life in Music” concert dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the outstanding Turkmen composer Nury Halmamedov.
The concert will be at the Mukams Palace on October 28 at 19:00.
Just over half of humanity uses smartphones
Only 55% of the world's population use smartphones - these are the results of a study conducted by the Association of Mobile Operators (GSMA), writes the portal
55% is 4,3 billion people. The rest of humanity either does not have mobile phones at all or use push-button models.
According to research, 4,6 billi...
Roman Kostomarov tried out a bionic prosthetic arm and wrote the word “mother”
Figure skater Roman Kostomarov made the first drawing with a bionic prosthetic arm - he depicted a heart and wrote the word “mother,” writes WellNews.
A video of a figure skater drawing, who lost his hands due to complications of pneumonia, is posted on his page on the social network.
Roman Kostomarov was admitted to t...
Hurry up to take part in a children's creative competition and receive excellent prizes from Toyota
ES Garagum Ulag, the official dealer of the Japanese company Toyota in Turkmenistan, invites children aged 0 to 15 years to take part in the “Dream Car” children's drawing competition, which started on June 15, 2023.
The terms of the competition are to depict a dream car, showing how the young artist sees the transport of the future with a u...
Turkish actor Burak Ozcivit arrived in Turkmenistan
The stars of Turkish cinema - actor Burak Ozcivit and screenwriter Mehmet Bozdag - arrived in Turkmenistan to participate in the “Dawn of Arkadag” International Film Festival. The IIC reports this.
Turkish actor Burak Ozcivit gained worldwide fame for his roles in the TV series “The Magnificent Century”, “Foundation: Osman”, “King th...
Турецкий актёр Бурак Озчивит прибыл в Туркменистан
Звезды турецкого кино - актёр Бурак Озчивит и сценарист Мехмет Боздаг - прибыли в Туркменистан для участия в Международном кинофестивале «Рассвет Аркадага». Об этом сообщает МИЦ.
Турецкий актёр Бурак Озчивит снискал мировую известность по ролям в сериалах «Великолепный век», «Основание: Осман», «Королёк – птичка певчая», «Чёрная любо...
Туркменистан и Азербайджан зафиксировали трехкратный рост товарооборота
За январь-август 2023 года Туркменистан и Азербайджан почти в три раза увеличили товарооборот по сравнению с аналогичным периодом минувшего года. Об этом сказал министр труда и социальной защиты населения Азербайджана Сахиль Бабаев на торжественном вечере по случаю 32-летия независимости Туркменистана в Баку, сообщает
Всего з...
В Баку состоялся официальный прием по случаю 32-й годовщины независимости Туркменистана
В Баку, 12 октября 2023 года, в посольстве Туркменистана в Азербайджанской Республике состоялся официальный прием по случаю 32-й годовщины независимости Туркменистана, сообщает посольство Туркменистана в Азербайджане.
В мероприятии приняли участие представители государства и правительства, сотрудники дипломатического корпуса, аккреди...
Turkmenportal приглашает к просмотру своих передач и репортажей в разделе «Медиа»
Редакция Turkmenportal приглашает пользователей посетить раздел сайта «Медиа», в котором можно найти информационные и развлекательные передачи, а также видеорепортажи, посвященные интересным событиям в Туркменистане.
Ежедневно наш медиаотдел готовит передачу «Новости дня», которая знакомит с главными новостями в стране и мире за посл...
Сборная Туркменистана по футболу продолжает тренировочный сбор в Дубае
Национальная сборная Туркменистана по футболу продолжает тренировочный сбор в Дубае (ОАЭ). Сбор начался 8 октября и продлится до 18 октября, сообщает ФФТ.
В рамках подготовки к отборочному раунду чемпионата мира по футболу 2026 года сборная Туркменистана провела товарищеский матч против команды «Дубай Юнайтед». Игра состоялась 10 окт...
Туркменский шахматист Сапармурат Атабаев стал победителем международного турнира в Иране
Шахматист из Туркменистана Сапармурат Атабаев, которому присвоено звание международного мастера, одержал уверенную победу на турнире 1st Neyshekar, проходившем с 5 по 11 октября в иранском городе Ахваз. Набрав 7,5 очков из 9 возможных, Сапармурат опередил ближайшего преследователя, иранского гроссмейстера Масуда Мусадехпура, на 2 балла. Прибывшие в Туркменистан зарубежные звезды кино посетили сегодня Туркменский государственный институт культуры, где в актовом зале провели для студентов мастер-класс. Об этом сообщает МИЦ,
Зарубежные звезды кино дали мастер-класс в Туркменском институте культуры
Среди гостей - такие знаменитости, как Бурак Озчивит, Мехмет Боздаг и Эдуар Монтут.
Актеры поделились своим опытом,...