1.Türkmenistanyň Aragatnaşyk ministri – Hojagurbanow Resulberdi Amangeldiýewiç 2. Türkmenistanyň Merkezi bankynyň müdiriýetiniň başlygy – Abilow Geldimyrat Ýazmuhammedowiç 3.Türkmenistanyň bilim ministri – Annaamanow Muhammetgeldi Bähbidowiç 4.Türkmenistanyň Ministrler Kabinetiniň Başlygynyň Orunbasary, Türkmenistanyň Daşary işler ministri – Meredow Raşid Öwezgeldiýewiç 5.Türkmenistanyň Suw hojalyk ministri – Myratgeldi Akmämmedowiç 6.“Türkmenobahyzmat” assosiasiýasynyň başlygy – Ataýew Şamuhammet Jotdyýewiç 7.Türkmenistanyň azyk senagat assosiasiýasynyň başlygynyň orunbasary – Myrat Gurbanberdiýewiç 8.Türkmenistanyň Döwlet balyk hojalygy komitetiniň başlygy – Kömekow Toýly Babaýewiç 9.“Türkmenpagta” Döwlet konserniniň başlygy – Muhadow Annamuhammet Emergulyýwiç 10.“Türkmenatlary” Döwlet birleşiginiň baş direktory – Nurgeldiýew Annaguly Garýagdyýewiç 11.Türkmenistanyň Nebitgaz senagaty we miniral serişdeler ministri – Hojamuhammedow Baýmyrat Geldimyradowiç. 12.“Türkmennebit” Döwlet konserniniň başlygy - Täşliýew Garýagdy. 13.Türkmenistanyň oba hojalyk ministri – Orazgeldiýew Esenmyrat. 14.Türkmenistanyň söwda we alyjylar birleşmeleri ministri – Atagulyýew Nökerguly Hojagulyýewiç 15.“Türkmenhaly” Döwlet paýdarlar korporasiýasynyň başlygy – Belliýewa Minewer Röwşenowna 16.Türkmenistanyň ykdysadyýet we maliýe ministri – Geldimyradow Hojamyrat 17.Türkmenistanyň Dokma senagat ministri – Göklenowa Jemal Aýmyradowna 18.Türkmenistanyň Baş Döwlet salgyt gullugynyň başlygy – Hojaýew Döwlet Hojamyradowiç 19.“Türkmendeňizderýaýollary” müdirliginiň başlygy – Kulow Baýrammyrat Çarymyradowiç 20.“Türkmenhimiýa” döwlet konserniniň başlygy – Babanazar Jumamyradowiç 21.Türkmenistanyň Ministrler Kabinetiniň ýanyndaky Gidrometeorologiýa milli komitetiniň başlygy – Kakamyrat Ýazyýewiç 22.Türkmenistanyň Ministrler Kabinetiniň Başlygynyň orunbasary – Tagyýew Täçberdi 23.Türkmenistanyň Ministrler Kabineti - Maýsa Meredowna 24.Nazarguly Şagulyýewiç 25.“Türkmengaz” döwlet konseriniň başlygy – Kakaýew Ýagşygeldi Elýasowiç 26.Türkmenistanyň tebigaty goramak ministri – Akmyradow Magtymguly Kyýasowiç 27.Türkmenistanyň Ministrler Kabinetiniň Başlygynyň orunbasary – Aşyrow Gurbannazar Amanmyradowiç 28.Türkmenistanyň Mejlisiniň Başlygy – Nurberdiýewa Akja Täjiýewna 29.Türkmenistanyň Beýik Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy adyndaky harby akademiýasynyň rektory – Annamuhammet Nurlyýewiç Hanow 30.Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti, goşun generaly S.A.Nyýazow adyndaky polisiýa akademiýasynyň rektory–Polisiýanyň podpolkownigi Hudaýberdiýew Jora Aganiýazowiç 31.Türkmenistanyň Goranmak Ministrliginiň Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti Beýik Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy adyndaky Harby institutynyň rektory – Gurdow Atamyrat Berdiýewiç 32.“Türkmenistan” döwlet täjirçilik bankynyň müdiriýetiniň başlygy –Guwançmyrat Bekmyradowiç 33.Türkmenistanyň Döwlet serhet gullugynyň başlygy, Türkmenistanyň Serhet goşunlarynyň serkerdebaşysy – Alowow Baýram Ataýewiç 34.Türkmenistanyň Baş prokurory – Ogşukow Muhammetguly Mämmetsähedowiç 35.Türkmenistanyň Adalat ministri – Garryýew Myrat Baýmuhammedowiç 36.Türkmenistanyň Ýokary kazyýetiniň başlygy – Çary Hojamyradowiç 37.Türkmenistanyň Goranmak ministri – Mämmetgeldiýew Agageldi 38.Türkmenistanyň Milli howpsuzlyk ministri – Çarymyrat Kakalyýewiç Amanow 39.Türkmenistanyň Içeri işler ministri – Orazgeldi Amanmyradow 40.Türkmenistanyň Saglygy goraýyş we derman senagaty ministri – Serdarow Ata Öweznepesowiç 41.Türkmenistanyň Döwlet lukmançylyk institutynyň rektory – Toýlyýew Sapardurdy 42.Türkmenistanyň Maldarçylyk paýdarlar jemgyýetleriniň “Türkmenmallary” assosiasiýasynyň başlygy – Durdymyrat Begmyradowiç 43.Türkmenistanyň gurluşyk we gurluşyk materiallary senagaty ministri – Şamuhammet Durdylyýewiç 44.Energetika we senagat ministri – Annaweliýew Gurbannur Berdiýewiç 45.Türkmenistanyň sosial üpjünçilik ministri – Kakalyýew Gurbandurdy 46.Türkmenistanyň Demirýol ulaglary ministri – Muhammetgulyýew Derýaguly Aşyrgulyýewiç 47.Türkmenistanyň Medeniýet we teleradioýaýlymlar ministri – Çaryýardurdyýew Kakageldi Öwezgeldiýewiç 48.Türkmenistanyň awtomobil ulaglary we gara ýollar ministri – Şaguly Gurbanniýazowiç 49.Türkmenistanyň “Нейтральный Туркменистан” gazetiniň baş redaktory – Taimowa Jeren Azanowna 50.Türkmenistanyň Döwlet neşirýat gullugynyň başlygy – Täçmammet Hurmenowiç 51.Türkmenistanyň Döwlet haryt-çig mal biržasynyň başlygy – Ýagmyrgeldi Begnazarowiç 52.Türkmenistanyň Döwlet gümrük gullugynyň başlygy – Myrat Annalyýewiç 53.“Türkmengeologiýa” döwlet korporasiýasynyň başlygy – Jumaýew Sapargeldi Agamamedowiç 54.Türkmenistanyň Milli döwlet hasabaty we maglumatlar institutynyň direktory – Mommadow Kakamyrat Saparmyradowiç 55.Türkmenistanyň Syýahatçylyk we sport baradaky döwlet komitetiniň başlygy – Hojaberdiýew Güýçgeldi Hojaberdiýewiç 56.Aşgabat şäheriniň häkimi – Orazow Derýageldi Nuryýewiç 57.Türkmenistanyň Ministrler Kabinetiniň ýanyndaky Baş arhiw müdirliginiň başlygy – Mollaýewa Maýa 58.Türkmenistanyň Daşary ýurt raýatlaryny hasaba alyş döwlet gullugynyň başlygy – Berdiýew Ýaýlym Ýagmyrowiç 59.“Türkmenstandartlary” baş döwlet gullugynyň başlygy – Hasanow Baýram 60.Döwletmämmet Azady adyndaky Türkmen milli dünýä dilleri institutynyň rektorynyň w.w.ýe.ýe. – Şamyýewa Göwher Gowşudowna 61.Türkmen döwlet medeniýet institutynyň rektory – Annamyrat Saparmuhammedowiç 62.Türkmenistanyň Ministrler Kabinetiniň başlygynyň orunbasary – Muhammedow Hojamuhammet 63.Управляющий делами Президента – Žadan Aleksandr Nikolaýewiç; Ýusup Hojaberdiýewiç. 64.Управление «Туркменховаёллары» - Tirkişow Gurbanniýaz Ataýewiç 65.Внешэкономбанк – Göklenow Guwançmyrat Begmyradowiç 66.Туркмен – Турк банк – Gurbüz Gündiz 67.Türkmen Türk uniwersitetiniň rektory – Geldiýew Rejepmuhammet Kakalyýewiç 68.Ректор им. Махтумкули Университета – Tugiýew Çaryýar Rejepowiç 69.Ректор института транспорта и связи – Aşyrbaýew Meret Hezretgulyýewiç 70.Хяким Ахалского велаята – Mämmetniýaz Öwezowiç 71.Хяким Марыйского велаята – Kuwwatgeldi Akmuhammedowiç 72.Хяким Лебапского велаята – Çarýarguly Ödeberdiýew 73.Хяким Дашогузского велаята –Saparmyrat Aşyrowiç 74.Хяким Балканского велаята – Niýazlyýew Orazmyrat Niýazmyradowiç 75.Prezidentiň kömekçisi – Hramow Wiktor Mihaýlowiç. 76.TDP-nyň başlygy – Onjuk Musaýewiç. 77.TMÝaG-nyň başlygy – Güýjow Jepbargeldi Sapargeldiýewiç. 78.Türkmenistanyň Müftisi – Röwşen Hajy! 79.“Garagum” žurnaly – Sapar Öräýew. 80.“Diýar” – Gurbannazar Orazgulyýew 81.“Gurbansoltan eje” – Akbibi Ýusupowa. 82.“Türkmenistan” - Kakabaý Ylýasow.
Ministrlerimizi tanalyň!
17 years ago
bular taze secıldıler mı
Şuwagtky wezipesini yerine yetiryan adamlar.
17 years ago
- ensalla yurdumyza halkymyza hayyrly adamlar bolsunlar. turkmenıstany gulletsınler gul eksınler...
17 years ago
- gaty üýtgeşik adlar köpelipdir...
bä-h aýallaňam atlary köpelipdiräý,tüveleme...
17 years ago
- Ýokaryda ýazylan wezipelere görä işleýän aýal işgär sany boýunça türkmenistan dünýäde 2nji ýerde durýan eken. Okan analyzymda esasan mejlis we deputatlar göz öňünde tutylypdy.
78.Türkmenistanyň Müftisi – Röwşen Hajy!
Müftiň ady daşlaý.
17 years ago
- shahyr, hachan \"update\" edilen bu informatsiyalar??? yagny uytgani zady yok dalmi???
17 years ago
shahyr, hachan \"update\" edilen bu informatsiyalar??? yagny uytgani zady yok dalmi???
sonky informatsiya
17 years ago
- turkmenistanyn bilim ministrinin orunbasary Haji Muammer Turkyilmaz we Basken Bilim Sereketinin koordinatory Seyit Embel bulary hem yatdan cykarmalyn
17 years ago
- shahyr, sonky informatsiya diyyanin \"uretim tarihi\" hachan, ya-da \"son kullanym tarihi\" hachan???
jankaka, bor...cykarmarys...T.Ozal\'yn mudir komekchisi Mustafa yucedal, mttm\'yn direktoraam yazmuhammet ...vs... olaram cykarmarys...
17 years ago
shahyr, sonky informatsiya diyyanin \"uretim tarihi\" hachan, ya-da \"son kullanym tarihi\" hachan???
1 yanwar 2008, ondan sonra üytgan bolsa bilmedim.
17 years ago
- ayal köp diyip köp dal ekena. şu yagday bilen dunyade ikinjimişmi? beyle daldirlay.
bir mejlis başlygy ayal eken, sonam dokmacylyk, ayal-gyz jurnallary yaly zatlarda ayal başlyk bar eken.
24.Nazarguly Şagulyýewiç
bul adam oz ozune ministrmika? menem ozume ministr name :)
Управляющий делами Президента – Žadan Aleksandr Nikolaýewiç; Ýusup Hojaberdiýewiç.
şu yokardakylar gen eken.
Prezidentiň kömekçisi – Hramow Wiktor Mihaýlowiç.
TDP-nyň başlygy – Onjuk Musaýewiç.
bulam gyzykly eken :)
17 years ago
Hramow Wiktor Mihaýlowiç
şol hramowa, \"Garaşsyzlyk\" oredeni berildi.
özem yewrey diyaler şona.
16 years ago
- tazelikde üytgenler hem bar
Türkmenistanyň Baş prokurory – Ogşukow Muhammetguly Mämmetsähedowiçin yerine Türkmenistanyň Ýokary kazyýetiniň başlygy – Çary Hojamyradowiç bellendi
16 years ago
turkmenistanyn bilim ministrinin orunbasary Haji Muammer Turkyilmaz we Basken Bilim Sereketinin koordinatory Seyit Embel bulary hem yatdan cykarmalyn
jankaka | 2008-01-03 19:29:23
türkleriň bärde näme işi bar. gerek däl. olary sanawa (список) goşmaly däl. gitsinler-de türkiýede sanawa goşulsunlar. bäri türkmenistan. ýa men ýalňyşýanmy?? siz nähili pikirde, dostlar!
16 years ago
türkleriň bärde näme işi bar. gerek däl. olary sanawa (список) goşmaly däl.
Bor, jaň edeýin kowsunlar.
16 years ago
Bor, jaň edeýin kowsunlar.
shahyr | 2008-05-11 14:08:57
kowmak gerek däl, o görgülileri. olar fedakar, gaty gowy adamlar. men ýöne olary ministrleriň sanawyna goşmaly däl diýdim.
turkmenistanyn bilim ministrinin orunbasary Haji Muammer Turkyilmaz we Basken Bilim Sereketinin koordinatory Seyit Embel bulary hem yatdan cykarmalyn
jankaka | 2008-01-03 19:29:23
jankaka, muny isläpdir we olary ýatdan çykarmalyň diýýär.
16 years ago
- dogry aydyanyz turkmenlere turkmen kadr gerek yone kabir turkmenlerden bular 2 esse gowymyka diyyan galanam oz isleginiz
16 years ago
- Merkezi bankyn bashlygam chalysypdyr, Wnesh ek. bank.baslygy Goklenow gechdi! Abilowa jalko!
16 years ago
- Berdymukhammedov Gurbanguly – President, Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers. Born in Akhal velayat in 1957. Graduated from the Turkmen State Medical University in 1979. Holds a master’s degree in Medical Sciences. In 1997 was appointed Minister of the Health Care System and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan. Since April 2001 – deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers. Since 21 December 2006 - Acting President of Turkmenistan.
Meredov Rashid - deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. Born in Ashgabat in 1960. Graduated from the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov in law. Holds a master’s degree in Legal Sciences. In May 2001 was elected chairman of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan. In July 2001 was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. From 2003 to 2005 worked as deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
Saparlyev Khadyr - deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. Born in Mary in 1958. In 1982 graduated from the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute in engineering. Holds a master’s degree in technical sciences. In 2004 was appointed Minister of Education of Turkmenistan. Since October 2005 - Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Armenia. In February 2007 was appointed Minister of Education of Turkmenistan.
Tagyev Tachberdy - deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. Born in the Balkan velayat in 1955. In 1977 graduated from the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute in drilling and exploitation in oil and gas deposits. From November 2002 to October 2003 – Minister of Oil and Gas Industry and Mineral Resources of Turkmenistan. In 2003 was appointed khyakim of the Balkan velayat, in 2006 – General Director of the Turkmenbashi Complex of oil refineries. In February 2007 was appointed state minister –chairman of the Turkmengas State Concern.
Ashirov Gurbannazar - deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. Born in Ashgabat in 1974. In 1995 graduated from the Turkmen State University in physics. Since August 2005 - head of the waterways administration.
Yazmukhammedova Maisa - deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. Born in the city of Iolotan of the Mary velayat in 1971. In 1994 graduated from the Turkmen National Institute of the World Languages named after D. Azadi as a qualified teacher of the Russian language and literature. From 2005 to 2007 worked as deputy khyakim of the Akhal velayat responsible for education, culture, health care and sports. In 2007 became the leader of the National Centre of Trade Unions of Turkmenistan and the Central Council for Turkmenistan Women’s Association. Effective 13 July 2007 was appointed deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
Shagulyev Nazarguly - deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. Born in the village of Bagir of the Akhal velayat in 1959. In 1980 graduated from the Turkmen Agricultural Institute, in 1985 graduated from the Moscow Institute of Agricultural Engineers named after V.P. Goryachkin. In 2000-2004 - acting duputy khyakim of the Azatlyk etrap in the city of Ashgabat. From 2004 to 2006 – senior engineer at the National Hydrometeorology Committee under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. In 2006 was appointed Chairman of the National Hydrometeorology Committee under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. Effective 24 August 2007 was appointed deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
Mukhammedov Khodjamukhammet – deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan in charge of commerce and textile industry. Born in Ashgabat in 1966. Higher education. In 1993 graduated from the Turkmen Institute of the National Economy majoring in economics. During 1998-2005 – deputy director and director of the Kharytimpeks Company under the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic relations, director of the Gulistan state shopping center of the same ministry. In 2005 appointed a deputy head and in 2006 – a head of the State Commodities and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan. Appointed to his current post in 13.11.2007.
Gurbanmyradov Gurbanmyrat - minister of Economics and Development. Born in 1978 in the Bakharly village of the Akhal velayat. Higher education. In 1999 graduated from the Faculty of Law and International Relations of the Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli majoring in international economic law. Started his carrier in 1999 as a main specialist of the department of the pricing policy of the Ministry of Economics and Finances; later worked as a main specialist, deputy section head, section head, acting head of various departments in the system of this ministry for several years. In 2007 appointed a deputy minister of economics and finances of Turkmenistan. Appointed to his current post in 8.02.2008.
Geldimyradov Khodjamyrat - minister of finances. Born in 1965 in the Berme village of the Akhal velayat. Higher education. In 1989 graduated from the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of the Economics and Construction Management. In 2004 graduated from the Legal Academy of the Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise. From 2004 to 2005 – a head of the department of supervision over the tax services operation of the Main state tax service of Turkmenistan. Since 2005 – deputy minister of economics and finances of Turkmenistan, a national coordinator of international technical assistance to Turkmenistan. In February 2007 appointed a minister of economics and finances of Turkmenistan. Appointed to his current post in 8.02.2008.
Abilov Geldimyrat – chairman of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan. From June 2005 to May 2006 – first deputy of the chairman of the board of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan. Since May 2006 - chairman of board of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan and coordinator for Turkmenistan at the World Bank. No other information is available.
Atagulyev Nokerguly - ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations. Born in 1964 in Geoktepe etrap of the Akhal velayat. Higher education. In 1995 graduated from the Turkmen agricultural university as a qualified economic. Since 2006 - chairman of Association of the food-processing industry of Turkmenistan. Is deputy of Medzhlis of Turkmenistan. Appointed to his current post in 13.11.2007.
Geoklenova Jemal – Minister of Textile Industry. Born in Ashgabat in 1959. In 1982 graduated from the Turkmen Institute of National Economy in economics. From 1995 to 1997 – the first deputy Minister of the Textile Industry of Turkmenistan. From 1997 to 2002 - Minister of Textile Industry. From 1999 to 2002 – deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. From 2000 to 2002 – Executive Director at the State Foundation for the Development of Turkmenistan Textile Industry. From August 2002 to November 2002 – Counsellor at the Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Russian Federation (Moscow). In February 2007 was appointed state minister, chairman of the Turkmenkhaly (Turkmen carpet) State Joint Stock Corporation. Was awarded with medals “Galkynyş”, “Gurbansoltan eje”, medal of the President of Turkmenistan “Garaşsyz Türkmemstana bolan beýik söygüsi üçin”, “Bitaraplyk”, “Prezidentiň Yyldyzy”, medal “Watana bolan söygüsi üçin”. Effective 13 July 2007 was appointed Minister of Textile Industry.
Bellieva Minever – state minister, Chairman of the Turkmenkhaly (Turkmen carpet) State Joint Stock Corporation. Born in the village of Talkhan-Bazar of the Lebap velayat in 1959. In 1983 graduated from the Moscow Technology Institute as a qualified engineer-economist. From 2000 to 2006 – deputy managing director of the Turkmenbashi textile complex in the city of Ashgabat. In 2007 was appointed director of the “Argach” wool spinning enterprise. Effective 13 July 2007 was appointed to her current position.
Khodjamukhammedov Baimyrat – Minister of Oil and Gas Industry and Mineral Resources. Born in the city of Ashgabat in 1961. In 1984 graduated from the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute as a qualified mining hydrogeology engineer. From 2003 to 2005 - Deputy Chairman of the National Clearing Centre under the Turkmenistan Cabinet of Ministers. In 2005 was appointed the chief of department at “Turkmennebitgas” Corporation. In 2007 joined the Ministry Oil and Gas Industry and Mineral Resources of Turkmenistan as head of Procurement Office for industrial facilities of “Turkmengas” State Concern. Effective 13 July 2007 was appointed Minister of Oil and Gas Industry and Mineral Resources.
Tashliev Garyagdy – state minister, head of the Turkmennebit (Turkmenoil) State Concern. Born in the Balkan velayat in 1952. In 1974 graduated from the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute in geology. Since August 2005 – acting state minister, head of the Turkmennebit State Concern. In September 2005 appointed state minister, head of the Turkmennebit State Concern.
Kakaev Yakshigeldy - state minister, head of the Turkmengas State Concern. Born in the Dashoguz velayat in 1959. In 1982 graduated from the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute in oil and gas fields drilling technologies. Since 1996 - head of the oil and gas processing department of the Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry and Mineral Resources of Turkmenistan. Appointed to his current post in 23.02.2007.
Orazgeldiev Esenmyrat – Minister of Agriculture of Turkmenistan. Born in Ashgabat in 1966. In 1991 graduated from the Turkmen agricultural university as a qualified engineer-mechanic. In December 2005 was appointed deputy Minister of Agriculture of Turkmenistan. In January 2006 was appointed Minister of Agriculture of Turkmenistan.
Akmammedov Myratgeldy – Minister of Water Economy of Turkmenistan. Born in the Mary velayat 1951. In 1976 graduated from the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute as a qualified civil engineer. Since 2005 – first deputy Minister of Water Economy of Turkmenistan. Appointed to his current post in 20.02.2007.
Mukhammetgulyev Deryaguly – Minister of Railway Transport of Turkmenistan. Born in Ashgabat in 1963. In 1995 graduated from the Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communications as a qualified mechanical engineer in locomotives. In 2006 was appointed the first Deputy Minister of the Railway Transport of Turkmenistan. Effective 21 May 2007 was appointed Minister of Railway Transport of Turkmenistan.
Myradov Gulmyrat - minister of culture and tele- and radio broadcasting of Turkmenistan. Born in 1961 in Ashgabat. Higher education. In 1990 graduated from the Makhtumkuli Turkmen State University majoring in Turkmen language and literature. In 1992-2001 – head of the unit, deputy editor in chief, editor in chief of the newspaper «Nesil». In 2001-2004 – deputy minister of culture and information of Turkmenistan, in 2004-2007 – head of a department of this ministry. Since 2007 года - deputy minister of culture and tele- and radio broadcasting of Turkmenistan. Appointed to his current post in 11.01.2008.
Annaveliev Gurbannur – Minister of Energy and Industry of Turkmenistan. Born in the village of Govshut of the Kaakhkin etrap of the Akhal velayat in 1961. In 1990 graduated from the Turkmen Agricultural Institute named after S.A. Niyazov. In 2007 was appointed deputy Minister of Energy and Industry of Turkmenistan. Effective 9 August 2007 was appointed Minister of Energy and Industry.
Kakalyev Gurbandurdy – Minister of Social Security of Turkmenistan. Born in the Akhal velayat in 1958. In 1982 graduated from the Turkmen State University in law. Since 2005 – first deputy of the Social Security Minister of Turkmenistan. Appointed to his current post in 22.02.2007.
Khodjagurbanov Resulberdy – Minister of Communications of Turkmenistan. Born in Ashgabat in 1967. In 1995 graduated from the Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communications as a qualified railway engineer-electrician. In 2000 was appointed deputy Minister of Communications. In November 2001 was appointed Minister of Communications of Turkmenistan.
Khangulyev Gurbanmyrat - minister of automobile transport. Born in 1953 in the village Gekdje of the Akhal oblast. Higher education. In 1979 graduated from the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute as a qualified mechanic engineer. Started his carrier in 1971 as a driver, later worked at different positions in various enterprises of the transport sector of Turkmenistan. Appointed to his current post in 16.01.2008.
Akmyradov Makhtumkuli – Minister of Nature Protection of Turkmenistan. Born in Ashgabat in 1962. In 1984 graduated from the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute in 1984 in geology. Holds a master’s degree in geology and mineralogy. In 2001 was appointed Minister of Nature Protection of Turkmenistan. Since March 2005 - Minister of Nature Protection.
Serdarov Ata – Minister of Health Care and Pharmaceutical Industry. Born in the Akhal velayat in 1964. In 1987 graduated from the Turkmen State Medical Institute as a qualified doctor-surgeon. Holds a master’s degree in medical sciences. Since April 2005 – director of Turkmendermansenagat (Pharmaceutics) association. Appointed to his current post in 28.02.2007.
Durdylyev Shamukhammet – Minister of Construction and Industry of Construction Materials of Turkmenistan. Born in the village of Bakharly of the Akhal velayat in 1963. In 1986 graduated from the Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering of the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute as a qualified civil engineer. From 2002 to 2007 held consecutive positions as the chief of PMK-11 Production Office “Akhalobagurlushyk” (rural development), deputy chief and chief of Production Office “Akhalobagurlushyk”. In 2007 was appointed Deputy Minister of Construction and Industry of Construction Materials of Turkmenistan. Effective 9 August 2007 was appointed Minister of Construction and Industry of Construction Materials of Turkmenistan.
Annaamanov Mukhammetgeldi – Minister of Education of Turkmenistan. Born in Ashgabat in 1959. Graduated from the Turkmen Institute of National Economy in economics. Holds a master’s degree in economic sciences. Since 2004 – rector of the Turkmen Institute of National Economy. Appointed to his current post in 16.03.2007.
Amanov Charymyrat - minister of national security. Born in 1966 in the Geoktepe etrap (Akhal velayat). Higher education. In 1990 graduated from the Makhtumkuli Turkmen State University majoring in mathematics. In 1991-1992 – attended Supreme school of KGB of the USSR. Since 1992 held different positions in the Ministry of National Security of Turkmenistan. In February 2007 appointed a deputy head of the State Service of Turkmenistan of registration of foreign citizens, in May 2007 – head of the President’s Security Service. Appointed to his current post since 8.10.2008.
Mammetgeldyev Agageldy – Minister of Defense of Turkmenistan. Born in the Akhal velayat in 1946. Graduated from the Saratov Medical Institute as a qualified army physician. In 1997 became a deputy Minister of Defense. In March 2002 was appointed Chief of the Border Guard Service. In September 2003 was appointed Minister of Defense and a secretary of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan.
Garryev Myrat - Minister of Adalat (Justice) of Turkmenistan. Born in the Moscow oblast (Russian Federation) in 1962. In 1984 graduated from the Turkmen State University in law. In October 2002 was elected a deputy of Mejlis of Turkmenistan and chairman of the Mejlis Committee for Legislation of Turkmenistan. In February 2005 was elected as chairman of the Mejlis Committee on Human Rights and Liberties.
Amanmyradov Orazgeldi - minister of internal affairs. Born in 1970 in the Dostluk village of the Akhal velayat. Higher education. In 1992 graduated from the Makhtumkuli Turkmen State University majoring in history. Since 1995 held different positions in the Ministry of National Security if Turkmenistan. In 1997-1998 attended the FSB Academy of the Russian Federation. In 2007 appointed a rector of the Military Academy of Turkmenistan named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great. Appointed to his current post in 8.10.2008.
Khodjamyradov Chary – Prosecutor General. Born in 1962 in the Bakharly village of the Akhal velayat. In 1984 graduated from the Faculty of Legal Studies of the Makhtumkuli Turkmen State University as a qualified jurist. In 1998-2002– deputy head, acting head and later – head of the kazyet (court) of the Ashgabat city. From 2002 to 2006 – head of the kazyet (court) of the Dashogzu velayat. In 2006-2007 – head of the kazyet (court) of the Ashgabat city. In 2007 appointed a chairman of the Supreme kazyet (court) of Turkmenistan. Appointed to his current post in 3.03.2008.
Yaranmyrat Yazmyratov - chairman of the Supreme kazyet (court). Born in 1971 in the Abadan village of the Akhal velayat. In 1996 graduated from the Faculty of Legal Studies of the Makhtumkuli Turkmen State University as a qualified jurist (part time). From 1997 to 2007 worked as kazy (judge) of the Ashgabat city kazyet (court) and in the system of social welfare of Ashgabat, head of the unit of law enforcement and military bodies of the khyakimlik of the Akhal velayat. From 2007 to 2008– kazy (judge) of the Ashgabat city kazyet. In 2008– chairman of the kazyet (court) of the Akhal velayat. Appointed to his current post in 3.03.2008.
Djaparov Tuvakmammet - chairman of the Supreme Chamber of Control of Turkmenistan. Born in 1967 in the Uzybsuv village of the Balkan oblast. Higher education. In 1993 graduated from the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute as a qualified mechanic engineer. After completion of military service in 1987 he continued his studies until 1991 in Moscow Engineering Construction Institute and then again in the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute. From 1999 to 2005– a leading specialist of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. In 2005 appointed a deputy minister of economics and finances of Turkmenistan. Appointed to his current post in 13.11.2007.
Alovov Bairam - Chief of Border Guard Service. Born in Ashgabat in 1969. In 1994 graduated from the Moscow Institute of Culture with a diploma in art history. From 1994 to 1995 – an officer of the National Security of Turkmenistan, then until 1999 – officer of the Security Service of the President of Turkmenistan. In 1999 was appointed deputy Chief of the Border Guard Service of Turkmenistan. Since 2006 – acting Chief of the Border Guard Service of Turkmenistan and commander-in-chief of the border guard forces.
bular hem biyografiyalary
16 years ago
bular hem biyografiyalary
Hezret | 2008-05-15 03:57:30
hezret, where did you get this information???
shoh 17 years ago- bular taze secıldıler mı