Tropical birds of prey such as the Bateleur eagle and dark chanting goshawk have disappeared completely from some African countries over the past 40 years. This is due to the fact that wild areas have been converted into agricultural land. Many other species of birds of prey are also on the verge of extinction, writes with reference to The Guardian. The study, published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, found that nearly 90% of the 42 bird of prey species studied in Africa have declined in population. Study author Phil Shaw said this could lead to negative consequences for people. As an example, Shaw cited the decline in the number of Indian vultures, which led to an increase in rabies cases among the population in the early 1990s. Vultures play an important role in the ecosystem by destroying animal carcasses. When their numbers decreased, there were more feral dogs in populated areas, which began to spread rabies to people. The researchers noted the importance of the UN goal of protecting 30% of the Earth's territory by the end of 2029. But despite all efforts, even in protected areas, the number of predators continues to decline. Phil Shaw has called for tougher measures to protect wild areas to stop the decline of predatory animal populations.