The American Space Agency (NASA) has announced plans to send several sets of HTC Vive Focus 3 VR headsets to the International Space Station (ISS). These devices will be used by astronauts to combat loneliness and relieve mental stress, writes The helmets are loaded with meditative practices and games that will help astronauts relax and take their mind off the monotony of life in orbit. VR headsets have been tested on Earth in parabolic flight conditions, but only for 20 seconds. Now we have to find out the quality of the gadget in space. Th HTC Vive Focus 3 will be tested on the ISS by Danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen, who is currently the station commander. For the helmet to work, the Internet is configured at the station.

Täzelikler, Ata Watan tarapyndan 10 months ago
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