Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow For precious friends hid in death\'s dateless night And weep afresh loveS long since cancelled woe And moan the expense of many vanished sight then can I grieve at grievances foregone And heavily from woe to woe tell her the sad account fo forebemoaned moan Which I new pay as If not paid before But If the while I think on thee, dear friend All losses are restored and sorrows end
16 years ago
- forebemoaned-name diymek bolya? shona dushunmedim?
16 years ago
- shooter, no doubt good words about friendship above but it would be better if you write in turkmen, cuz as you see not everyone could understood your blog.
16 years ago
- şekspirinki dagy daldirda, agyr eken dili :)
16 years ago
- bah)bizinkilen şu ile görünjek bolmak gylygy hachan galarka)indi ilden saylanmak uchin inlische yeterli dal.inlische bilyan kan.ylymda bilimde pikirde saylanmaly indi.dilimizi üytgetsek,geyinişimizi,aydymlarymyzy üytgetsek bizin sonymyz name bolarka?!geplsen gep bolyar,geplemesen olam bolanok.gaty görmeşek yok)
Maxat 16 years ago- bah inlisçan beyledigini bilemokdym, menem özüme inlisçani bilyan diyip yörün, shooter beytme-da utandyryan, düşinen bolsam arap bolayyn:(